Fill The Picture With Words 

This piece of work or art is about filling a complete picture or photo of someone famous or important with special words. In this case my work is a picture of me and my best friend Sofia. She is the one in the right. I used two song lyrics to fill the entire picture. What I fist did was I copy the edges of the original picture by putting a blank paper above the original and copy it. We had to do our best job in copying it. Then I looked for the songs lyrics, my fist song is called Perfect Two and the other is called True Friend. With a thin market I wrote all the first song on Sofia’s face and the second song I used it for my face. The people who did famous persons should use lyrics of the songs they sing or important phrases that represent them.

I think I did a really good job on this project. It was a very interesting and fun project to do and for me it was more special because I did of my best friend, so I was so exited to tell her who I did. Even though I had a lot of fun doing the project I found some difficulties doing it. First, it was hard to find someone to do and find an easy picture. Some part of the picture was very difficult to draw like the earrings because there are small parts, but still I did my best job. The easiest part was to find the lyrics of the songs because those songs I used are songs that represent both of us, as friends so I knew the fist moment that I was going to use those songs. Also an easy part was to write the song, but sometimes it was difficult because I had to do a smaller letter which for me it’s kind of difficult because I have a big writing.

Painting A Canvas 

This project was about painting on a canvas. We had to choose another famous persons face. The point of choosing just the face was because it was easier than to paint the whole body; because it was our fist time painting on a canvas. Also we had to choose one single color for the whole canvas because we were learning color values, which is different darkest and lightest tone of the same color. The first step was to choose the picture and draw squares on the picture so it would be easier. We fist did another smaller exercise of a smaller picture to practice how to do it so then we do it on the canvas. Then by measuring the squares on the picture we had to do the same number of squares on the canvas so we draw each square exactly. The next step was to draw the picture on the canvas with a pencil. We spend a lot of classes doing it. Later, we started to paint with different size of pencils so we can cover every detail of the picture. While mixing the color we had to have like 5 different tones so in the lightest parts of the picture we have a light color and in the darkest parts we have a darker color, so we have good shades. Then we finally finished the canvas by painting the background with the complementary color of the color we picked. I love brown so that’s why I choose to do it brown.

From the projects we have done this year I think that the one I liked the most was this one. I love to draw and paint and I had never used a canvas before so I really enjoyed doing it. I had many difficulties in doing this work because there were some rules we had to follow like the one of picking one famous person and just the face, but as you can see I picked two children and the entire body. It wasn’t because I wanted to break the rules but it was because I wanted to challenge myself and because I loved the picture. Also at the begging I didn’t knew what picture I wanted to do. I changed of picture like three times and finally I choose this one. Then another difficulty I had has that I picked a very difficult color to paint. My teacher told me that brown was a hard color because while mixing every time was difficult to have the exact same brown color. I fixed this problem by buying a done brown color and mixing it just with white to have the different tones. In general I loved doing this project.  

Finish The Picture 

This other project was about cutting any picture we want and like from the magazine and the cut it in the half or any part we want so later we can finished with other materials and ideas. At the beginning of the project we saw some example so we can know how to do it. There was one example of a man’s body that they cut it in half, from the legs to the bottom, and then draw animal’s legs with colors and markers. What I chose to do was to cut the middle of a dount and draw another fruit on the top. As you can see a draw a cherry with glitters and for the leave I used colors. I love working with glitters so my work looks attractive and nice. I used also a black cardboard so the glitters and the entire drawing looks better. Around the whole dount and cherry I did some circles also with glitters. As you can see I used two different colors, purple in the upper part and silver in the down part so the entire drawing has always two different sides.

I think that this project was easy and fun. Also I think that it was very interesting because it challenge us to use our creativity and imagination to think how to finish the picture with different ways. As always, the most difficult part was choosing the pictures. In the magazines I looked for, I couldn’t find any picture I really liked. Then I found like three options and I didn’t know which one to choose, finally I get to choose the dount because it looked delicious. I finished the work at home so I had the opportunity to use glitters. I really enjoyed this project to because as I said I loved glitters. 

Nicole A, 10E